Google & Mobile Searches

As the use of mobile devices to access the internet increases, Google is rolling out more features to reward websites that are mobile-friendly.

The latest update for mobile Google searches means that website names will be more prominently displayed, along with the website favicon. The favicon is the small image that displays in the browser tab, e.g. Facebook has their blue square and white F, and Hot Lizard Designs has the orange lizard. A favicon design is usually based on the original logo, and it’s best to keep it as simple as possible so that it displays clearly.

Here is an example of a mobile display:

One of the main motivations to include the favicon is to emphasise the source of the information, so if you have a blog, or want to insure industry news is promoted, having your company logo displayed next to the link is a great way to ensure trusted content is promoted.

If you have a Squarespace website, and would like to add a favicon (or even look to update your existing one), get in touch.


Time for an update?


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